Air : Air Littoral will remain independent and regional

Posté jeu 01/03/2001 - 00:00
Par admin

The situation is evolving very quickly for the second French air pole composed of SAir Group (Swissair) with the takeover of AOM, Air Liberté and Air Littoral. The new strategy change announced yesterday at Montpellier, in the Air Littoral office by the resigning CEO Paul Reutlinger consists in that the pole will be only composed of AOM and Air Liberté. The name of the company will be Air Liberté and it will be located in Paris. According to that scheme, Air Littoral would remain independent and would keep a regional vocation that it used to have at the beginning. It is even said that the founder, Marc Dufour, a very charismatic boss who left after the takeover by SAirGroup, would come back.

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