Airport: Europe will not put the CCI offside

Posté mar 24/10/2000 - 00:00
Par admin

Before taking a part in a meeting in Nice, Nicole Fontaine, president of the European Parliament, had made a speech in a press release in CCI premises in Nice, with Loyola de Palacio, vice-president of the European Commission, and Francis Perugini, president of the CCI Nice Côte d'Azur. The issue was about the European policies for airport management, essentially in Nice where it is a very delicate point, the first French platform except Paris.All the French airports, except these of Paris, are managed by Chambers of Commerce, and it is an exception in Europe. Loyola de Palacio suggested another kind of management: the French airports could be managed by private law companies, which does not prevent capital of these firms from being public. But the Nice CCI will not be put offside by Europe after 2006, when its airport concession ceases.

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