Audience of websites : collapsed in July

Posté mer 08/08/2001 - 00:00
Par admin

The Loft Story effect decreased in July for According to the results from Cybermétrie of Médiamétrie, M6net was ousted from the Top 10 of most frequented websites in the month, with 4,908,380 million viewers in July compared to 10,180,130 millions in June. It was even more than halved ! In a general trend, the number of viewers are decreasing compared to June, whereas last year, at the same period, the holidays didn’t entail such a difference. Nearly all of them get the same results of July 2000. Only faces an increase by 10% (thanks to the Koh Lanta adventures), with 6,097,990 million visits in July compared to 5,556,280 millions in June, which ranks it at the 7th position in the classification.Caramail remains ahead with 41,614,280 million connections compared to 46,540 millions in June. Then is ranked Boursorama (14,176,570 million visits compared to 16,741,490 millions in June), Francité (14,121,600 million visits compared to 15,662,110 millions in June), club-internet (13,753,750 million visits compared to 14,773,240 millions in June), (10,851,410 million visits in July compared to 11,154,260 in June). You can find the overall results of July 2001 in the classification given by the JournalduNet.

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