Azur Pro?Com: cohabitation between Internet and Communication

Posté jeu 11/10/2001 - 00:00
Par admin

The second meeting of Communication Professionals Azur Pro’Com 2001, an event organised by the AFREP, will take place at the Eden Casino Hotel in Antibes-Juan-les-Pins on Friday October 12th from 9.00 am to 7.00 pm. The meeting conducted by Marie-Christianne Courtioux will be composed of four debate-conferences. The first one will review “Internet: a revolution hides another one”. The theme of the second one will be “communication in crisis, a must-know for communication professionals”. The two following conferences, scheduled in the afternoon, will tackle the following points: “new consumers, new advertising speeches” and “relationships with the media: which (r)evolution ?”.Among the contributors: André-Yves Portnoff, Doctor in metallurgy sciences, Director of the Observatory of the Intelligent revolution in Futuribles International, journalist and prospect consultant, Guy Viel, manager at IBM France(La Gaude), Jane McConnell, consultant, NetStrategyJmc, Nicolas Riou, the author of “Pub Fiction” (1998) and of “Comment j’ai foiré ma start-up” (How I have messed up my start-up) in 2001; Marie-Thérèse Dentzer, the press service manager at the INRIA, Christine Giraud, EDF GDF Service Cannes, Jean-Pierre Largillet (WebTime Medias and See the full program of the meeting and register on the AFREP website.

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