Bernard Brochand elected deputy of the 8th constituency

Posté mer 04/04/2001 - 00:00
Par admin

Because of the first ballot, the result was to expect: Bernard Brochand, the new RPR mayor of Cannes was elected deputy of the 8th constituency of the Alpes-Maritimes with as a subsitute deputy, David Lisnard. Bernard Brochand achieved 65.09% of the votes before Gilles Cima (UDF) with 34.91% last Sunday April 1st, at the second ballot. The abstention rate was a bit higher compared to the first ballot: 65% against 63.13%. Bernard Brochand had already get ahead of its main challenger considerably last Sunday with 23 points difference (42.98% of popular votes for him against 19.93% for Gilles Cima). The latter was the only one to be able to remain at the second ballot. This general by-election had been organized, we have to remind it, after Louise Moreau passed away.Two other general by-elections took place on Sunday, April 1st. In Toulouse, the new mayor, Philippe Douste-Blazy was also elected deputy of the first constituency of the Haute-Garonne with no surprise, reaching 64.54% of popular votes. As regards Dominique Strauss-Kahn, he took back his position of deputy of the 8th constituency of the Val d'Oise with 53.89% of the votes.

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