A business gallery project on the Croisette

Posté mer 14/03/2001 - 00:00
Par admin

A sign of the real estate recovery, the projects are re-flourishing in Cannes. Thus, a building certificate has been allowed for a business gallery which would be settled on the ground floor and in the basement of the Miramar, a early century building on the Croisette, between the Carlton and the Martinez. The whole name gallery, whose name would be 'Carré d'or', would be composed of fifteen to twenty luxury shops on a global surface of 1.650 m2. The preliminary agreements of the co-property and of the CDEC (Commission départementale d'équipement commercial; business equipment commission of the department) have been achieved and the promoter, rather than creating parking lots (55 spaces were necessary), will pay a tax of around 4 million francs (this parking problem was the source of the stop of works of the FNAC layout in Les Ambassades cinema premises, rue d'Antibes). This will be the second business gallery on the Croisette. After the Gray d'Albion gallery, created in seventies, another attempt to launch a business gallery, set back from the Croistte (the Espace Forville, on the Forville market), has failed.

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