Cannes : when the new hospital center ?

Posté ven 27/04/2001 - 00:00
Par admin

When will there be real hospital in Cannes and its basin ? Although the medical profession and equipments are very good, it is not the case for premises which have been subjected to a project of complete renovation for the last twenty years. A project which keeps on making no headway. After the abandon of a pure and simple reconstruction on another site, idea launched by the Mouillot municipality, more than one year ago they have decided the reconstruction of the Pierre Nouveau hospital center on the Brousailles site (cost : 600 million francs).But this new project keeps on being delayed as well. Scheduled for 2005, the delivery of new buildings has been postponed by one supplementary year. That's why the three mayors of the main cities of the agglomerations (Maurice Delauney for Cannes, Michèle Tabarot for Le Cannet and Henri Leroy for Mandelieu) have decided to call for Dominique Gillot, Health and Social Action secretary to ask for "a precise calendar which defines the programming of operations of the new building."

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