County council: the case of Sophia to Jean-Pierre Mascarelli

Posté ven 13/04/2001 - 00:00
Par admin

Caramail and TF1 remain the leaders of the audience on the Internet, each in its category. The study of Cybermétrie for March didn't change the classification. Champion in all categories in France, Caramail reached 48.4 million visits (47.1 million last March). The others are far behind: Francité with 23.8 million, Boursorama with 20.09 million, Club Internet with 14.3 million, and PagesJaunes with 11.4 million. Respublica, the challenger set up on the French Riviera, reached the 10 million (10.252 million against 9, 448 in February).Concerning the media websites, is the leader with 5.7 million visitors, far ahead compared to (3.3 million). For the press, the first is still, the website of the daily economic paper, Les Echos (3.29 million visits against 3.2 in February). However, it is seriously in competition with, the website of the daily paper Le Monde, which reached 500,000 visitors with its new layout (3 million in March against 2.5 in February). Libération is third with 2.3 million visits.

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