"Entreprendre les nouvelles technologies": succeed your start-up

Posté mer 31/10/2001 - 00:00
Par admin

The two main conditions for the success of a project are to ensure the marketing and to know how to manage after the investment brought. They are at the heart of the session on November 8th at the Ceram.

The only two chances for the success of start-ups is to manage sales and to know how to manage after the investment brought in the context of a very unstable economy. These two themes will be the ones of the next round table for "Entreprendre les nouvelles technologies" (Undertaking high technologies) on November 8th, at 17.45 at the Ceram of Sophia Antipolis.The three past years have shown that the success of an innovative company and the validation of its growth potential depend on the quality of the product, but above all… on its marketing. How can you set and implement marketing and partnerships strategies that can guarantee a fast expansion? It will be the first point discussed. The second concerns investors: how to choose and how to manage thereafter. Indeed, since you can't count on the listing at the stock exchange to allow investors to exit (the market isn't adapted anymore), you have to think about other solutions at the time when investors are found.Several company managers or founders will answer these two main current questions, talking about their own experiences. Contributors:- Laurent Guèye, Operations manager. Adoria, set up in May 2000 by three experienced founders in the food service carriers and the technology management.- Sandrine Caduc, Marketing and Communication Director. TechLink s.a., (Sophia Antipolis), is a SSII set up in May 98, with 63 employees now (7 employees in December 98).- André Labat, CEO. Simulog, First start-up of the INRIA (Sophia Antipolis) in 1984, Simulog is a SSII specialised in information technology Technique and Information Technology. With 200 collaborators now, Simulog is established on 5 French regions.- Michel Safars, CEO and co-founder. KeeBoo Corp, founded in San Francisco and Paris in spring 1997 has raised more than 100 million francs in two round tables to important investors.- Tommasso Trionfi, CEO. Wimba, founded in November 99, by a team from Eurécom Sophia Antipolis, is the worldwide leader in asynchronous voice technologies on the Web.According to the usual organisation of Undertake High Technologies, two workshops will take place after the round table. They will deal with the ASP market (Application Service Provider) and on the Internet as well as the multimedia. The full programme is available on: http://entreprendreht.ivcs.org where it is possible to register (free access but registration is compulsory).

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