Everything about the Apple operation in the Festival of Cannes

Posté lun 03/07/2000 - 00:00
Par admin

If you went for a walk on the Croisette during the Film Festival of Cannes, you might have seen the 'Netmen', a kind of new generation insect, with the Powerbook opened on the stomach, the Webcam and the antenna on the back. Moreover, Canal Plus gave all it had to cover the event. About sixty Netmen and Netwomen had been launched in the hunt for the stars and for the Festival events, with a daily coverage on the site of /www.canalplus.fr">canalplus.fr..In Vunet.fr, there was a full file about 'TV, Web and Mac in the Festival of Cannes' ( /www.vnunet.fr/VNU2/svmmac/dossiers/cannes.htm"> 'Télé, Web et Mac au Festival de Cannes'). The main theme was how Apple used the great shop window of the Festival to ensure the innovative breakthrough of an all video computer. The programme was ' the backstage of the video revolution', the technical achievements, the means that were implemented in front of the Martinez hotel, under a tent, next to the big top of 'Nulle part ailleurs', etc. A wonderful Mac file…

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