Executives : job vacancies are dropping since May

Posté jeu 05/07/2001 - 00:00
Par admin

A sign shows the economic slowdown the high tech sector of the French Riviera goes through; the number of job vacancies received by the Association for the employment of executives is collapsing for two months.

The economic slowdown in the department can also be noted through the APEC (Association for the employment of executives). According to Claude Mahieu, director of the APEC in Nice, the first four months of the year 2001 faced a rise (+13%) compared to an exceptional year in 2000 with more than 1,800 job offers received for executives. However, things began to get worse in May. It wasn’t worrying though since May was the month when recruitment was the lowest of the year. Nevertheless, the big drop in June is more worrying.Offers of the APEC in the Alpes-Maritimes are indeed very focused on NTIC. The New technologies of information and communication contributed for more than half of the job offers for executives through the year 2000. However, in this sector, American companies stopped recruiting, whereas telecom and microelectronic companies still do. Even if the SSII start to slowdown the recruitment.It is not dramatic yet. Figures of 2001, according to Claude Mahieu, all remain better though for the moment compared to the year 1999, which wasn’t a bad year. Even the figure of June. All exceed the ones of the bad year, which was in 1993 for executives. The trend remains obviously bad though.

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