Keiko Courdy: from the CIV of Valbonne to a doctorate in Tokyo
Some pupils of the primary school in Biot and the CIV of Sophia go far. Sometimes, they go as far as Japan where they have degrees that few Westerners can aspire to. Thus, Miss Keiko Courdy, stage director, got the doctorate at Tokyo university with her thesis in Japanese language on "Vision and study of the body on Dumb Type and Pappa Tarahumara's Japanese contemporary stage (Japanese choreographers famous worldwide). The jury was gathering university teachers, including a famous Japanese writer and Patrick de Vos, lecturer at Tokyo University, translator of Japanese literature for Gallimard and other French editors.Keiko Courdy, art director at the Ki company, specialist of the Japanese theatre avant-garde, was already graduated of a DEA in theatre studies at Paris III Sorbonne nouvelle University. Needless to say that she speaks Japaneese fluently. You can see where she gets it from, being Jean-Claude Courdy's daughter, former director at FR3 Nice and author of several famous books about Japan.