Lefigaro.com : the boom of 'freelance workers'

Posté mer 14/02/2001 - 00:00
Par admin

In Lefigaro.com, there is a special report on /www.lefigaro.com/cgi-bin/gx.cgi/AppLogic+FTContentServer?pagename=FutureTense/Apps/Xcelerate/View&c=figArticle&cid=FIGH4OKNXIC&live=true&Site=true&gCurChannel=ZZZXG1K648C&gCurRubrique=&gCurSubRubrique="> 'Le boom des solos',a phenomenon that is getting a greater importance. The ones we called before 'independent workers' knew how to break their with new technologies. ' Not that long ago, the independent worker had a negative image linked to years of unemployment. However, today, we talk about autonomy in its work, personal development, creation of pluridisciplinary and multipolar teams. This evolution which is very recent is facing a great acceleration because Internet has hasted things'attests Jean-Pierre Lilly, Intervenance's president in this special report. Better organized, more independent, having at their disposal networks which allow them to gather quickly different competences, the 'freelance workers' are adapting more and more to a new market which is the market of large companies wishing to subcontract their activities which are not at the heart of their competences.

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