Lefigaro.com: the stakes of salary savings

Posté mer 11/04/2001 - 00:00
Par admin

In Lefigaro.com, there is a report on /www.lefigaro.com/cgi-bin/gx.cgi/AppLogic+FTContentServer?pagename=FutureTense/Apps/Xcelerate/View&c=figArticle&cid=FIGIY61M5LC&live=true&Site=true&gCurChannel=ZZZXG1K648C&gCurRubrique=&gCurSubRubrique=">The new stakes of salary savingsfollowing the implementing of Fabius' law. The salary savings, which gathers involvement, participation, as well as the additional amount, is first used by companies for the development of a global remuneration policy. On a labour market which is now tight, it is also mainly used for the development of customer loyalty of the 'best talents' and to 'make a savings system at a low cost available to wage-earners'. In this report on salary savings, they focus, among others, on the consequences of a growing number of shareholding salaried employees. They also focus on the new perspectives opened on a voluntary salary savings partnership plan (PPESV) as a retirement savings account for salaried employees, which is all the more interesting nowadays whereas the project to create pension funds seems to be given up.

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