Libération : the e-business has got the blues

Posté ven 12/01/2001 - 00:00
Par admin

'The on-line retail trade market looks like the latest episodes of 'Survivor', this reality-show in which competitors are frozen out one after the other',the 'New York Times' was written down, quoted by Libération. In an article entitled /"> 'Des accrocs dans la Toile, Libération has a disillusioned look on the evolution of the electronic business. It is written that in France ' the e-business accounts for only 0.05% of retail trade, that is to say as much as the turnover of two supermarkets (source : Credoc). Through the Minitel, the sales are seven time as much important !'When you have a look at the United-States you notice it is the first time that nobody foresees a blown-up of on-line sales for Christmas holidays. As soon as users become more and more experienced and get out of the Web, they discover that Internet is above all a communication tool'the daily concludes after having noticed that the main event of this year is the development of personal pages and chat.

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