Net encyclopaedias: the Web at the service of the Enlightenment

Posté mer 09/05/2001 - 00:00
Par admin

And if the encyclopaedia culture could become an "open source" as it was done for the development of Linux? Everyone could bring its high contribution through the Net. The Diderot, d'Alembert of nowadays, coming from the entire world…It is the project of Nupedia, which wants to make " the most global encyclopaedia of all the history of the humanity". Thanks to the use of the hypertext and the XML technology, an encyclopaedia which is more exhaustive than Atlas and Britannica is now accessible on-line for free.The Express on-line makes a review of those new Encyclopaedias of the Net. The weekly paper then gathers several projects which aim to establish the power of the Net at the service of the ideal of the Enlightenment and to create an encyclopaedia on-line, which can evolve all the time and which is free, as we now talk about free software…

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