The Prefect in favour of the extension of the Nice port
'If we miss it, crusades will go to Marseilles'. And if it is not Marseilles, it will be Genoa. In an interview published in the newspaper Nice-Matin on December 11th 1999, the Prefect of Alpes-Maritimes, Jean-rené Garnier, has insisted on the stakes represented by the extension of the Nice port and has announced that he will make the most to achieve this project. The State representative says, among other things, that a tourist region as the French Riviera cannot neglect the crusade industry which is experiencing a strong development. The construction of a new dike and ground infrastructures, besides the reception of crusade ships , will allow to develop high yachting and traffic with Corsica, since Nice is the nearest port.Although he says that the State agrees to take part in the financing of this extension, Jean-René Garnier has still conditions : a reflection over the access to port by earth's ways (buses, taxis, etc.). These conditions cannot be ignored. That's the first time that the State, through its representative, is so clearly in favour of a project essential for the economic development of Nice and the French Riviera.