SAEM SACA: resumption of mass redundancy procedure

Posté jeu 28/09/2000 - 00:00
Par admin

Even if the Symisa has unanimously voted for the restructuring of the SAEM SACA, some little towns told their fears.

The SAEM is going to resume the mass redundancy procedure which had been cancelled by the Grasse county court. This is what Roger Duhalde, the SAEM SACA president announced by remembering that the SAEM was losing about 20,000 francs a day and that offers for a new job had been proposed to the 11 employees out of 23, those who were planned to be laid off (the delegates contest the plan because they think the propositions are too vague).The fear of a 'blank check'At the time of the latest meeting, the Symisa representatives had adopted unanimously the restructuring of the SAEM functions dedicated to respect the European Directive about services. What meant that the Sophia Antipolis mixed union agreed the plan launched by the SAEM. But all the Symisa representatives did not agree with all the modalities of the operation.Valbonne had preferred not to vote. The town explained its behavior by the fact that it was impossible for Valbonne to vote against because it had chosen the regularization of the convention with the SAEM. On the contrary, its prevention concerns the fact that both of the other conventions signed one with the CAD for promotion and commercial prospecting, and the other with the CCI for services to businesses and economical action had no financial condition about the services' price.The engagements will have to be taken again by the towns community as soon as it will have been constituted (after June 2001). This would explain the fear of a blank check.

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