Sophia : WAP is not a big success any more

Posté ven 04/05/2001 - 00:00
Par admin

Scheduled for January, the “WAP so What?” colloquium had been postponed to May and reoriented. But new no-shows of contributors have led to its cancellation.

A new evidence, as if it was needed, of the lack of interest to everything which deals with the WAP : the “WAP so What?” colloquium which should have taken place mid-January at the Esinsa of Sophia Antipolis had been postponed to May because of no-shows of several contributors. Jean-Claude Peyrolle, the director of the Esinsa and keen on technologies, had taken over the project. He had reoriented it on the theme of “GroupWare and mobile Internet” and had associated the colloquium to the Data Base Forum which takes place on May 18th in the morning on the theme, here again, of collaborative work and peer to peer.Technology in the morning and management in the afternoon : this seemed OK. But, it was a waste of time. Definitely, the WAP is not a success in Sophia any more : because of a new series of no-shows of contributors, Jean-Claude Peyrolle has had to thrown in the sponge as well and to cancel the meeting.The colloquium on the mobile telephony will wait until the end of the year and the coming of the GPRS (General Packet Radio Services), much more successful than the WAP with higher transfer rates and package tariffs. The GPRS should offer a more attractive theme and representatives of material manufacturers, manufacturers, service companies will have real new products to present and to emphasize. What could make us forget the WAP flop. As far as the Data Base Forum, it will take place next May 18th at the Ceram, in the morning. But it will be limited to the PC world and it will not talk about the WAP…

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