Auction sales : eBay would take over IBazar

Posté mar 13/02/2001 - 00:00
Par admin

The rumour is more and more insistent : eBay, the American giant in auction sales is ready to take over IBazar, the French leader in that field, for 100 million euros. Such a new business combination particularly concerns Aucland, the auction sales site created in Sophia Antipolis by Fabrice Grinda and Sacha Fosse-Parisis, a site which now totally belongs to Europ@web. If this takeover materializes, as it seems to be the case, Aucland, which didn't manage to conquer the leader place on the French market (the IBazar site sells twice as much products), should be a little bit more weakened. So, the American group eBay would become the main protagonist in auction sales between individuals in Europe, before the British QXL-ricardo and far before Aucland.

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