'Entreprendre les nouvelles technologies': resuming

Posté jeu 21/09/2000 - 00:00
Par admin

It is a new year which begins for 'Entreprendre les Hautes technologies' (undertake high technologies). The resuming session of the meetings dedicated to inform project bearers and start-up founders, will take place, on Thursday, Sept. 21st at 6:00 pm in the big amphitheater of the Ceram, Sophia (60, rue Dostoievski). A round table about three themes. 'development, dilution and power of the creator', 'helps to creation', 'Venture-capitalists, how to convince them?'. Among the contributors: Jean-Claude Vrignaud from Opt(e)way, Bruneau Peuch from Dream up, Patrick Haddad from M-pixel, and Christine Pietri from Kyrn laboratory. Two worshops will follow and will be livened up by the four contributors according to their skills and abilities: the first one will be about 'digital video, image, and cartography', the second one about 'health products: choice according to regulation and strategic position'.Information and contactshttp://entreprendreht.ivcs.org, to see the Sept.21st's session.The entrance is free, but a checking is demanded.Martine Thibault, tel: 04 93 95 44 72 and e-mail: martine.thibault@cote-azur.cci.fr

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