Sophia : the building site of the SAP premises has opened

Posté lun 19/06/2000 - 00:00
Par admin

The Alba real-estate company has just opened its building site of the new SAP premises (4,000 m2 at the far end of the Orme, in Sophia Antipolis). Moreover, for the German package editor (the third software editor in the world after Microsoft and Oracle) it is rather urgent. It is hiring 1,500 m2 at VLSI Philips', the premises that VLSI would like to get back as quickly as possible for its expansion. SAP also asked the same promoter to build a site from 8,000 to 10,000 m2 on Les Bouillides. It would allow it to go back to the ambitions it had at the beginning, that is to say to get from three hundred to four hundred people on the Sophia Antipolis site (currently, the team is about fifty people).

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