The unforeseen events of the world gas Conference

Posté jeu 08/06/2000 - 00:00
Par admin

The huge gas Conference that is held in Nice from Tuesday June 6th to Friday 9th and that will bring together more than 17,000 people till Friday evening, has experienced unforeseen events. First, on Tuesday evening, a fierce storm disturbed an opening dinner that was held under a tent because of the number of participants. Then, three trade unions of the energy industry called their members to demonstrate (at a national level) on Thursday, around the exhibition centre and the Acropolis. On the theme 'Energy is not a good', the unions (CGT, CFDT, FO) expect to bring together from 5,000 to 10,000 demonstrators to protest against the option 'everything with gas'. The demonstrators will come mainly by train, from 10am, in order to start to march at 1pm, from the Place Massena.Because of these unforeseen guests, the local services had to plan diversion trunk roads and to set up an exceptional traffic plan for Thursday. Thus, the organizers had to face the new problems. However, fortunately, on Wednesday, the sun was back…

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