Conseil général : un soutien aux 'Très petites entreprises'

Posté mer 05/07/2000 - 00:00
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Une convention de mise en place du Fonds de garantie départemental sera signée mercredi 5 juillet à 11 heures par le président du Conseil général, Charles Ginesy. Il s'agit par ce biais de favoriser l'installation, la transmission, le développement et le renforcement des TPE (Très petites entreprises).

Nice : signature de la convention de partenariat F.I.S.A.C.

Posté mer 05/07/2000 - 00:00
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Favoriser la modernisation du commerce et de l'artisanat de la ville de Nice, accompagner les opérations de promotion : c'est l'objectif principal du F.I.S.A.C. (Fonds d'intervention et de soutien à l'artisanat et au commerce). La première action d'animation s'était déroulée du 10 au 22 avril dans le centre ville (animations de Pâques, journée de l'artisanat qui a suivi en mai, préparation d'une galerie Internet).

Start-up@Riviera sur le thème de la levée de fonds

Posté mer 05/07/2000 - 00:00
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Pour la première fois Start-up@Riviera aura un frère jumeau, Start-up@Tours qui se déroulera à la même heure et suivant le même principe. A Sophia Antipolis, le rendez-vous qui est donné jeudi 6 juillet 2000 dès 19h00, aura lieu comme les autres fois au Sun City Cafe, 230 route des Dolines, village entreprises (à Tours, il a lieu au bar 'Villa la Cuba', 1, place François Truffaut). Le thème de la soirée est : 'la levée de fonds'.Plusieurs interventions sont ainsi prévues.

Sophia: European Forum about entrepreneurs

Posté mar 04/07/2000 - 00:00
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Train oneself to undertake: here is the theme of a European Forum that will take place at the Ceram in Sophia Antipolis on October 19th and 20th 2000. The Forum will be organized by the European Commission (DG Entreprises) and the Ministère de l'Economie des Finances et de l'Industrie (Treasury Department) with the help of ministries in charge of education and research.

Airport : new train-plane shuttles

Posté mar 04/07/2000 - 00:00
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A new shuttle service between the two terminals of the international airport and the SNCF station has been working, since Monday, July 3rd. To make conveyances between trains and planes easier, three coaches work non-stop from 8 am to 9 pm, which allows to offer departures every 30 minutes. The route must take less than 25 minutes (23 F per single ticket). The service is managed by the ANT company, on behalf of the SEMIACS, the concessionary of the urban network in Nice. The inauguration of the new service is planned on Thursday, July 6th, 11.30 am, at the airport.

Microelectronics : SAME 2000 between Sophia and Aix

Posté mar 04/07/2000 - 00:00
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SAME 2000 (Sophia Antipolis Conference has got MicroElectronique) should be held definitely, in spite of uncertainties that were hanging over. However, there is a change in the third edition of the microelectronics summit : for the first time, it will be held in Sophia Antipolis and in Aix-en-Provence. The part of the summit that must take place in the CICA of Sophia Antipolis, will be focused on the design in microelectronics. As last year, an exhibition of the main products and services in that area is also planned.

Liberty Surf takes over

Posté mar 04/07/2000 - 00:00
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Once more, Liberty Surf, the free Internet provider that had taken over, (the start-up from Sophia Antipolis), in November 1999, has just struck a decisive blow : on Tuesday morning, the group managed by Bernard Arnault, announced it was going to take over, an on-line guide of purchase. allows to compare the prices of 260 trade sites. For Bernard Arnault, who had already got, and more lately, it deals with strengthening his group on the e-business. (it is an other skill of its) has developed a WAP know-how.

Palm Computing : It asserts itself as the European bridgehead in Montpellier

Posté mar 04/07/2000 - 00:00
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Palm Computing Europe decided to strengthen its Research and Development Centre in Montpellier and to make it its bridgehead to conquer the European market. The decision came up when Smartcode Technologies was taken up by 3 Com (the parent company of Palm Computing), in February 1999. Thus, the start-up from Montpellier, that was already the global leader in the supplying of Palm Pilot applications, has become the centre of software development of the group in Europe, for all the things that are linked to the wireless area.

Palm Computing : tête de pont européenne à Montpellier

Posté mar 04/07/2000 - 00:00
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Palm Computing Europe a décidé de renforcer son centre de R&D de Montpellier et d'en faire sa tête de pont pour la conquête du marché européen. Cette décision est partie du rachat en février 1999 de Smartcode Technologies par 3 Com (maison mère de la société Palm Computing). Cette start-up montpelliéraine, qui était déjà leader mondial pour la fourniture d'applications Palm Pilot, est ainsi devenue le centre de développement de logiciels du groupe en Europe pour tout ce qui touche au sans-fil.