Les actus
mar, 22, 2000 0
Nicox took up New Market
Known as a start-up working in biotechnologies, the firm issued 1.5 million shares quoted at 20 euros a share, on the New Market of the Paris Bourse.
mar, 22, 2000 0
A real campus for the technopole
Staggered over six years, and financially moderate (230 million francs), the project is based on the two specialities of the NTIC pole : Internet and the mobility.
mar, 22, 2000 0
Menton : first steps of the cross-border economy
The cross-border economy is starting slowly. But it is progressing directly on the ground, with the Franco-Italian Day of Agribusiness that took place on Thursday, March16th in the Palais Européen in Menton.
mar, 22, 2000 0
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry wants to push on its website thouroughly
The development of www.ccnice-cote-azur.com will be one of the main lines of 2000. A way for the Chamber of Commerce and Industry to play the closeness with firms and tradespeople.
mar, 22, 2000 0
"Tremplin" for the ambitious start-up on the French Riviera
Almost a group shot! If we had to prove the efficiency of the Ceram Tremplin Conference we would just need to have a look on what has been happening since the end of the 'classes', early in last July.
mar, 22, 2000 0
Sophia : Start-up Connexion is to be launched
Founded by a former partner of Ernst &Young, this new company of start-up monitoring announces a new stage of the movement of business creation on the French Riviera.
mar, 22, 2000 0
ASK : winning ticket
ASK is revolutionizing the transport circles with a 'clever ticket', a smart card without contact. A start like a whirwind for the start up from Sophia Antipolis.
mar, 22, 2000 0
Oil slick : the rage of a researcher from Nice
Etienne Tillié : 'we maintain we have the solution to treat the oil of the Erika. Why are we not defied, even just for a test ?'
mar, 22, 2000 0
Sophia : on the road to success as the Silicon Valley
Some first success stories (Echo, Odisei, SIP) had opened the road. But for three months, it has been a real turmoil, with the coming up of about twenty start-ups, an almost volcanic overflow in the economic set-up of…
mar, 22, 2000 0
Aucland : a TV ad that hit the jackpot
Click on www.aucland.fr and you will see the end of the film.The TV campaign of Aucland, the start-up of cyber auction, from Sphia Antipolis, made a strong impression.